Arnaldo Drés González (b. 1986, Caracas - Venezuela)
Since 2014 lives and works in Hamburg, Germany
2016 - MFA - Hochschule für Künste im Sozialen (HKS), Ottersberg, DE
Class Prof. Michael Dörner.
2011 - BFA - Mixed Media Degree (Cum Laude Honors) Universidad Nacional
Experimental de las Artes (UNEARTE) (Formerly: IUESAPAR), Caracas, VE
Class Prof. Nan González and Prof. Marcos Salazar Delfino.
Solo Exhibitions
Resguardo y Presencia - Galerie 21, Vorwerk-Stift, Hamburg, DE
Respira - galerie holzhauer hamburg, Hamburg, DE
Transformationen - Zehntscheune Stadthagen, Stadthagen, DE (duo)
Lonas del Jardín - Emerging Artist section, AAF, Kunstmesse, Hamburg, DE
Rastros - FONIS Galerie, Düsseldorf, DE
Revelaciones - galerie holzhauer hamburg, Hamburg, DE
Resguardo y Presencia - AKTION #239, 2025 Kunst und Kultur, Hamburg, DE
Netzwerke von Panik und Sehnsucht - galerie holzhauer hamburg, Hamburg, DE (duo)
Impuls - Westwerk, Hamburg, DE
Rostros y Rastros - Generalkonsulat Venezuela in Hamburg, DE
Mente en Blanco - Level One, Hamburg, DE
Mi Pequeño y Grande Universo - Sala UNEXUS, UNEARTE, Caracas, VE
Group Exhibitions (selection)
40 Jahre Artothek - Artothek Buxtehude, Buxtehude, DE
It's all about Freedom, galerie holzhauer hamburg, DE
Poética e Incertidumbre - Espacio Cultural de Sa Punta des Molí, within the framework of EnTránsito (Art Festival), Sant Antoni, Ibiza, ES
Linientreu - Jupiter First Floor, Hamburg, DE
Anonyme Zeichner Hamburg - Veddel, HYCP Veddel-Space, Hamburg, DE
Paradise is here / Mit Haut und Haar - Kultur-Funke, Lübeck, DE
Zwischen Osten und Westen - galerie holzhauer hamburg, DE
ZHN JHR LVL N - Level One, Hamburg, DE
Teztown - Digital Image, Virtual Dialogues and Non-Fungible Token, Tezos Blockchain (Online)
(IN)BETWEEN - Exhibition for music and graphics, Reeperbahn Festival, Hamburg, DE
Atelierkate Lesum Bremen Art Prize Nominations - Atelierkate Lesum, Bremen, DE
Lübecker Art-Peep-Show - Kultur-Funke, Lübeck, DE
Speak Through Drawing - (Online)
körpE[h]RLICH - xpon-art gallery, Hamburg, DE
The AJALA Project - Centre’s Gate Village, DIFC Art Nights, Dubai, UAE
MENA Art Award nominee - Clyde & Co, Dubai, UAE
The AJALA Project - Al Fahidi Historical Neighbourhood, Sikka Art Fair, Dubai, UAE
Me, Myself and The Possibility of You - Westwerk, Hamburg, DE
Das fliegende Jackett - FONIS Galerie, Düsseldorf, DE
We Love Artists' Books! - galerie holzhauer hamburg, Hamburg, DE
Miramientos de Ida y Vuelta - MOM art space, IV Velada Remix (Art Festival), Hamburg, DE
Enthüllungen - NIEHUUS (antique & art), Lübeck, DE
Kunst im Schaufenster - altonale 18 (Art Festival), Hamburg, DE
Millerntor Gallery (Art Festival) - Hamburg, DE
Búsqueda de Horizonte - Hotel Pacific & Garagen Sauerberg, III Velada Remix (Art Festival), Hamburg, DE
Keine Farbe Schwarz, Freitagssalon, Hamburg, DE
Kunst im Schaufenster, altonale 17 (Art Festival), Hamburg, DE
1st International Show M.A.E Cintia Pirez, Miami, U.S.A
Maracaibo die Ästhetik und den Geist - Velada Santa Lucía Remix, 8. Bremer Kunstfrühling (Art Festival), Bremen, DE
Para:Lelo: Envío de mi identidad, Hotel Pacific, II Velada Remix (Art Festival), within the framework of the Hamburg Art Week, Hamburg, DE
Para:Lelo: Envío de mi identidad - XIII Velada Santa Lucia (Art Festival), Maracaibo, VE
Uno Es Igual a Cinco - XII Velada Santa Lucia (Art Festival), Maracaibo, VE
Ceñido y Torrente de mi Pensamiento - La Ruta Nocturna en los Museos (Art Festival), Museo de Bellas Artes, Caracas, VE
Masifica2.0 - 1ra transmisión on-site DeOrigenBélico, Ateneo de Valencia, Valencia, VE
9na Edición del Salón de Arte Digital CARPE DIEM, PDVSA La Estancia, Maracaibo, VE
Quémese Después de Verse - El Apartaco, Caracas, VE
Intermediaciones - XI Muestra Internacional de Videoarte y Cine Experimental, Medellín, CO
6 Tage Frei - Festival der freien Darstellenden Künste (Art Festival), Stuttgart, DE
Lunattack Art Concert - Halle424, Hamburg, DE
CineAutopsia - Festival de Cine Experimental de Bogotá, (Art Festival), Bogotá, CO
Re-Fokus - (Audiovisuelle Kunst), B-Movie Kino, Hamburg, DE
I Festival Internacional de Videoarte nodoCCS - Sala Mendoza, (Art Festival), Caracas, VE
Spring Equinox - (Finissage), Behaim 21, Berlin, DE
Video en Acción - 2da Edición (Art Festival) Centro de Artes Vivas Alexis Mújica (CAVAM), Valencia, VE
VI Encuentro Mundial de Arte Corporal - Sala Ríos Reina, Teatro Teresa Carreño (Opening Ceremony) and Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Caracas (MACCAR), Caracas, VE
Special Projects
Le Fil Rouge - Visual art creation in collaboration with Barbara Duchow (Performing Artist) (DE) - for the performance art program The Making Room of The Solo School by Henry McGrath (UK)
Poética e Incertidumbre - Curatorial team with Swen Kählert (DE). Collective site-specific art intervention presented at the 1st edition of EnTránsito (Art Festival). Directed by Clemencia Labín (Festival Creator). Espacio Cultural de Sa Punta des Molí, Sant Antoni, Ibiza, ES
Moon Kiss - Visual art creation and audiovisual performance in collaboration with the collective of musicians, singers and composers Lunattack and Elephant Memories - Barbara Duchow (DE), Jean-Philippe Boin, Olivier Carpentier and Bruno Joly (FR). Live performance at the Festival Enorock for the benefit of the ENOREV association, Le Metronum, Toulouse, FR
The Lost Tail / Lumina - Visual art and music videos creation in collaboration with performing artists, musicians, singers and songwriters Barbara Duchow and Birgit Fischer (DE), Jacqueline Langham (UK) and DeePhi Music (FR) in support of the release of songs produced in the residential program The Real World Producer Camp by Real World studios (UK)
L´Eternité / Chanson de la Plus Haute Tour - Visual poetry and music video creation in collaboration with Barbara Duchow (DE) and Dan Easley (USA). Visual EP project musical experiment tribute to Arthur Rimbaud's poems (FR)
Weapon Industry - Video and sound art creation for Lunattack´s Pont Neuf Visual Album Release (ACT 1) Performances by Barbara Duchow and Jiska Morgenthal, First Stage Theater, Hamburg (DE)
Miramientos de Ida y Vuelta - Artist curator in cooperation with Dagmar Rauwald (DE) Gängeviertel curatorial team for the collective exhibition presented at the 4th edition of Velada Remix (Art Festival). Directed by Clemencia Labín (Festival Creator), MOM art space, Hamburg, DE
Wohn Wahn Sinn - Site-specific art intervention in the Ottersberger Kaufhaus Kortlang. An interdisciplinary project of the Master's program of the (HKS) Hochschule für Künste im Sozialen Ottersberg. Directed by Prof. Michael Dörner, Ottersberg, DE
Gran Tendedero - Pon una Foto en la Calle - Site-specific art intervention during the Fiesta de Las Artes (IUESAPAR) at the Estación de Metro Caño Amarillo of Metro de Caracas (VE), in collaboration with PFC - Pon Una Foto en la Calle - socially oriented and non-profit organization founded by Juan Carril Márquez (ES)
El Bar del Tiempo / Las Formas del Verbo - A multimedia poetry lab and art exhibition project with the collaboration of IUESAPAR (Caracas), Centro di poesia contemporanea dell'Università di Bologna (IT) with the Poet Davide Rondoni and Centro Cultural Tinna Modotti (VE). Presented at the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Caracas (MACCAR), Caracas, VE
Awards and Grants
Hamburger Zukunftsstipendium für bildende Kunst, funded by BKM Hamburg, Hamburgische Kulturstiftung and BBK Hamburg, DE
Atelierkate Lesum Kunstpreis Nominierung, Bremen, DE
Städtelabor - Residential program, PAF - Performing Arts Festival Berlin, DE
MENA Art Award nomination, Dubai, UAE
altonale17-Kunstpreis, Lobende Erwähnung, Hamburg, DE
STIBET & DAAD, Stipendium, DE
UNEARTE, Diploma with honors, DE
IUESAPAR, Scholarship, VE
Publications (selection)
Radar - Exhibition Brochure, Jupiter First Floor Hamburg (DE). Text by Santiago Rago (in German, English).
Poética al Resguardo: Del Polvo y el Aire, mi Abuela y un Molino - Exhibition brochure, Espacio Cultural de Sa Punta des Molí, Ibiza (ES). Text by Santiago Rago (in Spanish, English).
EnTránsito - Festival Catalogue. Texts of the curatorial group (in Spanish, English), Sant Antoni de Portmany, Ibiza (ES)
Resguardo y Presencia - Exhibition Brochure, Gallery 21, Künstlerhaus Vorwerk-Stift, Hamburg (DE). Text by Santiago Rago (in German, English).
Arnaldo Drés González: Lonas de Jardín - Exhibition Brochure, AAF Emerging Artists Hamburg (DE). Text by Hannah Bode (in German, English).
Das fliegende Jackett - Exhibition Catalogue, FONIS Galerie, p. 24-27, Düsseldorf (DE). Text by Xenofon Moustakas, Hagen Scheer and participating artists (in German, Greek, English).
Impuls - Ein Kurzfilm von Arnaldo González - Masterarbeitskatalog. Text by Angela Holzhauer and Arnaldo Drés González (in German). Hochschule für Künste im Sozialen (HKS), Ottersberg (DE)
Millerntor Gallery - Festival Catalogue #6, p.196-197, Hamburg (DE)
Kunstfrühling 2014 - Festival Catalogue, Velada Santa Lucía | Remix, p.320-321, BBK, Bremen (DE)
12. Velada de Santa Lucía, Calle del Arte - Festival Catalogue. Text by Mathew Partridge (in English, Spanish), p.198, Maracaibo-Hamburg (VE/DE)
Uno es Igual a Cinco - Exhibition Brochure, 12. Velada de Santa Lucía, Calle del Arte. Text by the artists (in
Spanish), Maracaibo, VE